CloudSQL vs Cloud Spanner: A Comparison

September 25, 2021

CloudSQL vs Cloud Spanner: A Comparison

If you're planning to make use of Google Cloud SQL for your database deployment, you might also want to consider Google Cloud Spanner. Both offer cloud-hosted database solutions, but they have differences in terms of functionality and pricing.

What is CloudSQL?

Google Cloud SQL is a fully managed database service that allows developers to host relational databases, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server, in the cloud. It provides users with managed database services, backup and recovery, automatic software patching, and robust security features.

What is Cloud Spanner?

Google Cloud Spanner is a globally distributed, horizontally scalable, and ACID-compliant relational database service. It is a cloud-based database with the ability to scale to hundreds of nodes across multiple regions with consistent low latency. It supports multiple languages and offers automatic sharding and load balancing.

CloudSQL vs Cloud Spanner: A Comparison


When it comes to scalability, Cloud Spanner takes the cake. It can handle up to hundreds of nodes in multiple regions, making it ideal for applications with large amounts of data and high traffic. CloudSQL is also capable of automatic data replication, but it is limited to one region, which might not be enough for large and complex applications.


Both products offer high-performance databases. Cloud Spanner is designed to provide consistent low latency and high throughput for large database tables, but it is more expensive than CloudSQL due to the scale and features it provides. CloudSQL, on the other hand, provides stable, reliable performance and is a more cost-effective option for smaller and less complex applications.


Cloud Spanner is more expensive than CloudSQL, but it offers more scalability and performance features. The pricing is based on the instances used and the amount of data stored in the database. CloudSQL, on the other hand, has a fixed pricing model based on the size and number of instances.


Both CloudSQL and Cloud Spanner have their strengths and weaknesses. CloudSQL is a great option for smaller and less complex applications, while Cloud Spanner is ideal for applications with large amounts of data and high traffic. Ultimately, your choice will depend on your specific requirements and budget.


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